Alan Briskin

Collective Wisdom

Alan Briskin is the author of several books, including Daily Miracles: Stories and Practices of Humanity and Excellence in Health Care and The Power of Collective Wisdom. As an educator and consultant, he has brought the power of group learning to alternative educational settings, prisons, and healthcare systems.

Collective wisdom is the insight that arises from the interaction of a group, allowing us to make sound judgments and take action that benefits the whole. The process begins with personal transformation and involves deep listening, a suspension of the personal certainties we hold, and opening to diversity in the larger system.

In this process, we become less rigid and more aware of our personal judgments. We are truly able to tap into our full potential as human beings and address with wisdom the challenges we face as societies and a global community.

Alan Briskin Interview, Whole Systems Healing

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Books by Alan Briskin

The Power of Collective Wisdom

Daily Miracles: Stories and Practices of Humanity and Excellence in Health Care

The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace

Bringing Your Soul to Work