Diana Whitney

Appreciative Inquiry

As President of the Corporation for Positive Change, Diana Whitney coaches executives and their teams in support of total organization culture transformation. She is also a Founder of the Taos Institute, a center for dialogue among family therapists, educators, and organization consultants. Her organizational philosophy suggests that “human organizing and change, at its best, is a relational process of inquiry, grounded in affirmation and appreciation.”

Appreciative Inquiry is the study of what gives life to human systems when they are at their best. This path of inquiry moves us in the direction of the things we want more of. Every question we ask ripples outward, so we want to ask questions that are positive, powerful, and bring out the best in ourselves and others.

Diana Whitney Interview - Whole Systems Healing

Additional Information



Books by Diana Whitney

Appreciative Leadership

Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change

The Power of Appreciative Inquiry: A Practical Guide to Positive Change

Other Resources

