CSH Mindfulness Newsletter - 26th Issue, Appreciating Music, Mindfully

March 1, 2022
Mariann Johnson

Since the earliest of recorded history, music – in one form or another – has been a part of our community celebrations and honored traditions. Music brings us together. For over 2,500 years, practices that cultivate mindful awareness have also been an integral part of many of the world’s contemplative and cultural traditions. Mindfulness increases our capacity to be present to ourselves and others with increased understanding and compassion. Together, music and mindfulness can enhance our personal resilience, and perhaps also serve to inspire our resolve for greater community wellbeing. 

Many of you can probably recall being brought to tears over a tender and beautifully performed piece of music or wanting to dance all night to a favorite song. Music moves us, and it can soothe our weary minds and hearts.

Regardless of what draws you to listen to music, or the type of music you prefer, you can increase your enjoyment of music by bringing mindful awareness to your listening. Mindfully listening to music helps us to slow down, to fully engage with the present moment and to more deeply appreciate the gift of music in our lives.

 Tips for Listening to Music, Mindfully:

  1. Choose a piece of music to listen to. It can be helpful to start with instrumental pieces, as lyrics can make the mindful listening experience a bit more complex.
  2. Select a space and a time free of distractions and interruptions for your listening session. Turn off your cell phone and any notifications. Make sure you are comfortable.
  3. Announce the beginning of your mindful music listening session with a “Fanfare.” A fanfare is a piece of music often played to announce the arrival of someone or something important. Allow your mindful intention - and 2 or 3 deeper and fuller breaths - to serve as your “fanfare,” to help turn your attention toward deeply listening.
  4. Become aware of your body sensations, and ground yourself. Let go of the deeper, fuller breaths and take a few moments to notice the natural rhythmic qualities of your body breathing. Then, when you are ready, broaden your awareness to include the entire body, whether you are sitting, lying down, or standing. Notice points of contact of the body with any physical surfaces (i.e., chair, bed, floor, earth, etc.). Notice any areas of tightness or holding, and as best you can, invite a sense of relaxation throughout the body.
  5. Just listen. Use headphones or earbuds if you would like. Give yourself permission to deeply listen to the music, allowing it to wash over you. If it feels appropriate, you may wish to close your eyes.  
  6. Observe and notice. Let yourself be aware of anything you may be drawn to, without judgment or editorializing. For example, you may be drawn to the pace of the music one moment and the sounds of different instruments in the next. You may notice shifts in volume. Notice if you’re more aware of certain parts of your body as you listen. Notice thoughts or feelings that may arise—perhaps connected to the music, a memory, or maybe just a passing thought. Allow any thoughts or emotions that arise to be gently acknowledged and then simply bring yourself back to listening to the sounds of the music, with a renewed freshness.
  7. Take a moment to reflect at the conclusion of your listening session. Become aware of your breath and body sensations. Notice the overall quality and condition of your body, mind and heart now, having just completed your mindful music listening session. Do you feel more alert or aware? Calmer, or more relaxed and open? How might you bring what you learned into your next experience of listening to music? You may also wish to consider how you might bring what you learned listening mindfully to music into your daily conversations with others.  


Categories: Mindfulness

